Thank you to our 2024 Supporters – we appreciate you!

Help Support Musae

Your support ensures that Musae's work will continue long into the future. Through your generosity we are able to produce concerts, commission new works, book rehearsal and performance spaces, purchase sheet music, and collaborate with guest artists, among other things! To thrive as a sustainable nonprofit organization, we need the help of donors like you. Income from ticket sales covers only a portion of our annual expenses; we must also raise over $15,000 of contributed income each year. 

We hope you will support Musae with a tax-deductible donation. Your donation of any amount will enable us to continue sharing our music with communities in the Bay Area and beyond. Musae is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted under applicable laws.

To donate by mail, please make check out to Musae and mail to:

PO Box 410783
San Francisco, CA 94141

To donate via Cash App, please find us here

Musae's Federal Tax ID Number is 20-2594927.